Welcome, fellow art enthusiastic. I decided to showcase some of my recent and past works here because my flickr paged was deleted and my account on artwanted.com is no longer accessible. Feel free to pirate or use my works for inspiration, piracy is the new catalyst for change therefore I don't mind since I possess the originals :) cheers
Also check out the above link to my deviant art portfolio that has some of my photographic works!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Aegri somnia

A Mix of Acrylic, Oil and Water paints on Canvas (38" x 38") - the title is Latin for "a sick mans dream" the black background was done in oil and then after it dried I worked with acrylic on top. This work represents the colorful yet dark, shy yet sexually charged, reserved yet extroverted personality of a woman; who had a troubled relationship with me and psychedelics.

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