Welcome, fellow art enthusiastic. I decided to showcase some of my recent and past works here because my flickr paged was deleted and my account on artwanted.com is no longer accessible. Feel free to pirate or use my works for inspiration, piracy is the new catalyst for change therefore I don't mind since I possess the originals :) cheers
Also check out the above link to my deviant art portfolio that has some of my photographic works!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Johnny-zilla vs Giant Octupus Near Mt.Fuji

Acrylic on Canvas (24" x 18") Inspiration for piece was old Godzilla movies, Johnny Bravo cartoons and their tenacity to get into trouble :) Use of drips and "splatter" based paint technique achieved by a rotating brush fixed on an old electric toothbrush base.


Acrylic on Canvas (36" x 30"). Inspiration for piece was an impressionist painting of piano keys done by a classmate, I felt the urge to do an abstract variant with drips.

lucid dreams

Water Colour on Canvas (24" x 18") - created as part of a month long dream cycle, probing and interpreting various dream elements as best I could remember the morning after. Chose a tattered and ripped apart canvas to give the piece a more visceral feel.

Flower Maiden's Dance

Acrylic on Canvas (44.5" H x 21.5")
use of, not squirted but gently assisted flow drip directed onto wet acrylic background. I've wanted to do an abstract that wasn't too busy, a work with an elegant and simple vibe, with a pleasant and relaxing flow. And this composition worked out well for a crooked canvas I made out of chopped up plywood and left over canvas. I was in a very "must recycle" everything mode then and using up stuff from left overs and what other students threw away was also a good way to save up drinking money ;)

Artistic statement: Early in '07 I was helping out a good friend with her antenatal classes during her first trimester and since her boyfriend wasn't involved in the pregnancy I'd accompany her to said antenatal classes, checkups etc. On one such occasion, one of the women brought along her 6 year old son who started to ask questions about how babies are made and about conception. It was amusing how the mother right off the top of her head weaved a metaphorical story that would put the birds and bees connotation to shame. She started off by saying that every mommy has a sort of flower between her legs and and the daddy has sort of a bee between his, the bee dances around the flower and eventually enters the flower to lay an egg and that egg grows inside the flower and turns into a boy or girl.
The whole story and the way she told it (with a humming song and dance, moms are awesome) was so amusing to me that when I got home I was compelled to visualize it as I saw it in my minds eye. I used the motif's of the flower and the sperm dancing about trying to get into the partial abstracted flower ovule in the left bottom corner. Tried to incorporate the bee's motif but I felt it would make the painting too busy.
p.s the mommy with the curious young lad was tickled to see her story materialized when i showed it to her the next day :D

Cellular Cannibalism

Acrylic on Canvas (30" H x 40" W) - An abstract study


Acrylic and dry water colour paints on Canvas (36" x 30") - An abstract study of women's hair clips; their maniacal and carnivorous nature in close up as they engage one another.

INcursion by the Drip

Acrylic and Spray Cans on Canvas - experimentation of form and drip with spray cans. Unfortunately this work is R.I.P my friend's dog tore it to pieces and ate some of it *tear*


Acrylic on Canvas (30" x 40") - a Pollock-esque experimentation and implementation of drips (this time use of loose gesso)

Aegri somnia

A Mix of Acrylic, Oil and Water paints on Canvas (38" x 38") - the title is Latin for "a sick mans dream" the black background was done in oil and then after it dried I worked with acrylic on top. This work represents the colorful yet dark, shy yet sexually charged, reserved yet extroverted personality of a woman; who had a troubled relationship with me and psychedelics.

Enchanted Ballerina

Oil on Canvas (30" x 36") - inspired by the stress and joys of being a ballerina and the constant demands and expectations they have looming over them even as they perform.


Welcome, fellow art enthusiastic. I decided to showcase some of my recent and past works here because my flickr paged was deleted and my account on artwanted.com is no longer accessible. Feel free to pirate or use my works for inspiration, piracy is the new catalyst for change therefore I don't mind since I possess the originals :)
